Worldgroup Manager Compatibility Fix for Windows XP. 1. Go to and download the XP application compatibility updates. It is NOT included with XP and needs to be downloaded. For your convenience we've attached it here. the file name is act20.exe. 2. Go to the application compatibility tool kit and chose QFixApp. 3. A window will come up with several options... 4. In the box labeled application to fix type c:\WGMAN\GCSVCMAN.EXE In the box labeled command line type GCSVCMAN.EXE 5. Under layers choose WIN95... 6. Under fixes the following Lines/boxes should be checked: 1 ADDWRITE 5 Changeauthentication level 8 correctbitmapheader 9 correct create event name 14 correct file path 17 correct sound device 25 direct play enum order 36 emulate cdfs 38 emulate create file mapping 39 emulate create process 40 emulate delete object 41 emulate direct draw sync 42 emulate draw text 44 emulate find handles 45 emulate get command line 46 emulate get device caps 47 emulate get disk free space 48 emulate get profile string 50 emulate heap 51 emulate joystick 53 emulate missing exe 54 emulate play sound 55 emulate printer 56 emulate text color 57 emulate tool help 32 58 emulate user 59 emulate ver query value 60 emulate write file 61 enable restarts 69 file version info lie 76 force ansi get display name of 81 force cd stop 82 force colnitialize 87 force dx setup sucess 88 force keep focus 91 force shell link resolve no ui 98 handle api exceptions 101 handle reg expands z registry keys 102 handle wv sprint exceptions 111 hide display modes 115 ignore exception 118 ignore load library 124 ignore scheduler 140 map memory b0000 149 profiles env string 150 profiles get folder path 151 profiles reg query value ex 170 sync system and system 32 174 virtual registry 178 win 95 version lie 180 win exe race condition fix 7. All of the boxes starting with WOW also need to be checked. Except WOWCFEX_DISPMODE256 8. Then at the bottom right of the window the box marked advanced needs to be click and another window will pop up to the right. In this box click the box /line with S16Bit_module_name=GCSVCMAN 9. Then click the box that says apply fix and then the box that says run (both at the bottom of the window) That's all.